"African Sunset"
Long Middle School
A stream of purple across the sky
Big trees under the beautiful sun
Cheetahs curl into a deep sleep
Dark clouds all around the light
East is covered in the night blue and stars
Fabulous colors around the sunset
Giraffes munch on the tall tree leaves
High trees scatter Africa's floors
Indents being used as cozy beds
Jaguar mothers grab their young
Kalahari Desert cooled as the sun began to set
Light blue and dark blue collide in the sky
Many animals get settled to sleep
Navy blue across the sky
Open fields under the setting sun
Patches of grass around the ground
Quiet birds float to the tree tops
Resting on the ground, the sun changed to orange
Sun setting in the west as the moon rose in the east
Tall trees arching sleepily
Unique landscapes vigorous colors
Wind blowing the leaves into a dance
Extremely pretty views
Young animals all around
Zebras drinking from the nearby pond