We welcome your tax-deductible financial contribution. Become a 7GP supporter today.
Covers the shipping and handling cost of mailing a donated copy of our Poetry on Our Terms anthology to a winning student's local public library.
Matches the amount of the cash prize awarded to each school's winning student poet.
Helps defray the expenses involved with producing and publishing our poetry anthology donated to each winning student and their school and public libraries.
Assists 7GP with the costs of film production to give each student their own video clip posted online.
Provides staffing and material for program implementation, support and evaluation.
Contributes much needed assistance with expenses relevant to the 7GP mission to include all types of schools in every community.
You may also make your contribution by mailing to the following address:
The 7th Grade Poetry Foundation
400 S. 14th Street, #1215
St. Louis, MO 63103