"Many Things"

Tynesha Shonnea
Carnahan Middle School  

         My God is the one that gives me strength 
everyday, no matter how far it gets, nothing will ever 
get in my way. 

        I treasure him most in all the world, no one can 
take his place boy or girl. 

       He means a lot to me at least I know, he 
shines so hard as far as the sun will ever go. 

       I came into this world to accomplish a certain 
amount of things, not for the gear and most 
importantly not for the diamond rings. 

     He lets me know when I’ve done something 
wrong; he doesn’t punish me a million times he 
just makes me strong. 

    There’s a lot in this world that makes me 
scream, but as long as I know he’s up above I 
won’t have to worry about that many things.