Congratulations on completing your school's 7GP Contest! 

In order to have your school's winning poem published in the 2015 Poetry on Our Terms anthology, please submit the required contest documents through the forms below. Please read these Submission Guidelines before submitting the documents. Email us at with any questions. Please title all files submitted with the student's full name. Make sure the student name is how you want it to appear in the anthology. 

Submit Student Poem

Due Jan 22, 2015. Send as a Microsoft Word document. Ensure that line breaks and stanzas are deliberate. Title the document "Firstname Lastname Poem" (ex: John Smith Poem).

Please make sure the following information appears above the student's poem: Student full name as it is to appear in the book, Formal school name, Teacher full name and Title in quotation marks.

Files accepted: doc, docx

Submit Student Release Form

Due February 12, 2015. Please review the document before you send it. If you do not have a scanner, you
can fax the document to 1-877-479-2004. Title the document "Firstname Lastname Release"
(ex: JohnSmithRelease). 

Print the Release Form

Files accepted: doc, docx, pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, gif, tif

Submit Student Photo

Due February 12, 2015. Please read these guidelines for a good quality photo. See examples of good photos from past years here. Title the document "Firstname Lastname Photo" (ex:John Smith Photo).

Files accepted: jpeg, jpg, png, tif

Submit Student Film

Due February 27, 2015. Note: please submit videos only when students are able to read the final draft of their poems after final revisions have been made following feedback received from the Educator Liaison. Please read these guidelines for a good quality film. See examples of good videos from past years here. Students should read the final draft of their poems. Title the document "Firstname Lastname Film" (ex: John Smith Video).

Files accepted: mov, mp4, avi, m4v

Submit Pre-Event Educator Survey

Due February 27, 2015. Please submit this survey only after all other required documents have been submitted including your student's revised poem. This survey is the last step prior to our publication process. It helps us prepare the book and the events, track the benefits of our program and make improvements.

Thank You