"God's Beautiful Trees"

Long Middle School

 Trees Trees
Beautiful trees.
See how they sway in the breeze
Red leaves, yellow leaves, green leaves, too.
Just think, even a golden one would do. 

Red leaves, just like the blood
That flows from God’s side
When He died on the cross for us,
When they pierced his side.

Yellow leaves, just as bright as the sun He put in the sky to shine 
So we can see the beautiful work He’s done.

Green leaves, just as green as grass
And took some thorns from branches
To make a crown to put on our Master’s head.

Golden leaves are best yet
Some day we will go up to that golden gate where He waits for us 
Even more, there we will be on that golden shore 
To live with our Master forever more.
God made this tree for you and me 
A work of art throughout eternity.

So when you look at those beautiful trees, 
Just think what the Master has done for you and me. 
Thank you Lord for these beautiful trees.