"Real Life"
Gateway Middle School of Science and Technology
St. Louis City, MO
People really need to pay
attention. Pay attention. Pay attention.
People really need to pay
attention. Pay attention.
People don’t know that
time is moving faster.
We are getting cold weather
like we are in Alaska.
When have we ever had that type of weather?
God did it, showing us
that it’s time to settle.
They say they hear trumpets
coming from the sky.
They say it’s coming from space.
Really, come on now?
People don’t want to accept
that God is real.
Don’t let it be too late
for you to know
that God is real.
Have you noticed it’s just older people in church?
The young people are just trying to hear
what these rappers are saying.
The government is spreading things,
trying to get us sick.
The only thing I’m saying is,
Ya’ll need to open ya’ll eyes.
God is coming at any time.