"Where I'm From"

Green Park Lutheran School
St. Louis County, MO

I am from ponytails
From Nike and Asics
I am from warmth and smiles
All lovely and comforting
Smelling of clean laundry and food cooking
I am from the trees
The roses and the leaves
Smelling fresh, crisp, and sweet
I’m from the Christmas cookies
And strawberry blonde hair
From Mom and from Dad
And Grandpa and Grandma
I’m from the TV watchers and radio listeners.

From listening and saying please and thank you
I am from the Christians
Who serve and obey
I am from St. Louis and Germany
Brats and beer
From the singing of the hymns and the praising of the Lord
I am from a family of caring, following the ones before me.

From the blues and tans in the kitchen
And the pinks and greens of my sheets
From the piles of clothes and the many, many messes
I am from the singers and dancers,
The smiles and tears, the hellos and goodbyes.
I am from kindness.
I am from care.
I am from love.